LG MS450H MS400H
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NEW custom firmware: CUSTOM1

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NEW custom firmware: CUSTOM1 Empty NEW custom firmware: CUSTOM1

Mensaje  vic1972 Jue Mayo 13, 2010 9:44 pm

ready and working ok new custom firmware: CUSTOM1

This firmware contains:
1.Last official version of LG. revision C (MS400_091209_0118.img)
2. Power Management, it will not shutdown after each recordings. It will shut down if hout is among 00h and 8h.
3. SubTitles Management, it will not show subtiltes in the recordings outside REC folder.
4.When you power on LG, it goes directly to the TDT channels TV.

Contains PipeManagement app. v3.

Link to firmware: CUSTOM1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/684543/varios/ms450h/Firmwares/CUSTOM1/MS400_091209_0118.img

Basically you have to download the file,put it in a usb memory stick, put it in LG, and switch on the LG.
Then the update process will do automatically.

More info of the process here:

Of course, this has been tested, but you are on your own risk, we are not responsible of any damage to your unit.
Of course, you can always revert, and go back to the official firmware version.

Mensajes : 2260
Fecha de inscripción : 09/12/2009
Edad : 51
Localización : Malaga

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