LG MS450H MS400H
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TUTORIAL: Full reinstall PM/LG Menu

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TUTORIAL: Full reinstall PM/LG Menu Empty TUTORIAL: Full reinstall PM/LG Menu

Mensaje  Keltek Lun Oct 04, 2010 6:50 pm

Hi all,
I see on this forum some guys try to install packages manually with dubious results. So this is the guide how to make a full reinstall.
- it doesn't touch your scheduling databases - (if you not flashed the firmware)
- it doesn't delete any file on you HDD partition (recordings or other files) - (if you not flashed the firmware)
- it does replace the internal configuration (for samba, rtorrent, lighttpd, PipeManagement)
- it replaces system scripts

You must have flashed latest firmware [for now, it is in version v103] (the flashing will remove internal settings and scheduling/history databases, you can backup it, but the restore must be done right after the firmware flashing - in backup are system scripts, which we need to replace by installation package).

1) make a telnet session to your PVR and delete the file "version" in custom/etc directory (this action makes the removing of custom directory while the package v100 is installing)
rm /tmp/hdd/root/custom/etc/version
2) put the file package Custom-KV-v100.tar.gz and Custom-KV-v103.tar.gz to root of your USB disk
3) put the USB disk into PVR to USB connector in front panel
4) make a restart

After 2 reboots (first will install v100, the second will install v103) you will have fully updated machine.

Mensajes : 291
Fecha de inscripción : 10/03/2010
Edad : 46
Localización : Praha - Czech Republic


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